
At Wirral Met, we take our roles as educators seriously and encourage our students and staff to respect each other, understand each other and uphold our values of Success, Passion, Integrity, Respect and Opportunity. As a college community, we stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Black Lives Matter movement has shown the necessity of an education system which encourages discussion, learning, listening and does not shy away from conversations that might feel uncomfortable for some. We know that to be part of the solution, we need to acknowledge the problem. We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and fully support all our students, staff and community in the pursuit of a fairer society.

Our Students' Union team has curated and cascaded a variety of materials associated with Black Lives Matter to educate and support both students and staff. We will continue to use these resources to challenge racism and oppression and support the Black Lives Matters movement.

Materials and resources can be accessed by students and staff here: Black Lives Matter – Virtual Campus Resources

During Black History Month in October 2020, our Students’ Union team, alongside course tutors will be sharing different materials and encouraging students to research and educate themselves about black people who have made a difference to our country.

It takes commitment from everybody at the College – students, tutors, support staff and our community – to make real, meaningful change. We want to know what more we can do, we want to be challenged and we should be held to account, so we would encourage students, parents and carers to get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with any thoughts, suggestions or concerns.

We are united as a whole college community in our dedication to standing up to racism and oppression, and standing in solidarity with the black community, at home, in the UK and around the world. 

Black lives matter at Wirral Met College, and they always will.

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