
Do you know a young person who may have lost direction with regards to their education or future career aspirations? Perhaps they’ve dropped out of their course, can’t find a job and they’re struggling to get back on track?

Help is at hand - Wirral Met offers a study programme called Routes to Success for young people aged 16 to 19 (or those aged 16-24 with an Education, Health & Care Plan) who are not in employment, education or training and who may have dropped out of their course this academic year.  This study programme offers help to re-engage young people by allowing them the chance to get back into a weekly routine where they can focus on their personal and social development, plan their future and start to feel good about themselves.

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With lots of support from Wirral Met tutors, the Routes to Success course offers young people the chance to access a range of inspiring activities including getting involved in local community initiatives and sampling various curriculum areas such as hospitality / catering, hairdressing, beauty, science, engineering, media / creative arts … and more. By learning how to find work experience, part-time jobs or voluntary work, and developing skills in teamwork, communication, problem solving or creativity, students will gain confidence in their own abilities and be ready to move forward with their personal goals.

Wirral Met offers this dedicated programme so that students can develop their achievements, skills and attitudes to help them become, and to stay employed, or alternatively, they will be ready to progress to further courses in college to gain the qualifications needed for their chosen career.

If you know someone who needs a second chance and a helping hand to get back on track, then now’s the time to contact Wirral Met College, as young people can enrol now on the Routes to Success study programme – they don’t need to wait until September, as there are places available to start over the coming weeks.

For further information, advice and guidance, contact a Student Adviser by calling 0151 551 7777 or drop in to our Conway Park Campus between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday, and you’ll find all the support you need to make a difference to someone who needs your help.

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